My Resume

prashant malhotra

117/1152 B, M Block, IInd Floor, Kakadeo, Near Gopala Towers, Kanpur 208025

Telephone: 0512 3947252 Mobile: 9839707401




To achieve a challenging position in a company of repute wherein my best potential can be harnessed for the growth of the organization.




§         An MBA + B.E. with 3+ years of experience in Sales, Operations, Merchandising, Customer services & General Management in the Retail Sector.

§         Experience in implementation of marketing/ sales promotion plans for business generation.

§         Expertise in managing entire store operations, merchandising, P&L account & stock management.

§         Proficiency handling materials planning, procurement, inventory control and management of warehouse operations.

§         Experience in implementation of marketing/ sales promotion plans for business generation.

§         Keen customer centric orientation with excellent communication skills and ability to interact effectively with personnel at all levels.

key skills


Sales & Planning


§         Formulation & implementation of sales plans and new store concepts to generate increased sales for achievement of revenue targets.

§         Actively involved in setting sales targets for each stores according to the market needs.

§         Conducting proactive Market research for competitor analysis and monitoring the market response and convey the feedback to Top Management.



§         Responsible for managing the entire business operations for increased profitability.

§         Coordinating the in-store promotional activities for new releases & special products.

§         Conceptualizing visual merchandising displays, windows, POP & design of retail outlets for maintenance of a high-end store Image.

Client Servicing


§         Customer Relationship management including shop-floor interaction with customers for effective resolution of customer grievances and obtain feedback.

§         Ensuring customer satisfaction, by providing pre post assistance and achieving delivery and quality norms.

Stock Management


§         Planning and monitoring warehouse operations of receipt, storage, return of unsold stock, inventory control and monitoring inbound logistics.

General Management


§         Assisting the HR Department for recruiting and selecting sales staff.

§         Training & sensitizing Team members in effective customer handling skills.

§         Industrial relations like handling union settlements.

§         Preparing Management Reports to provide feedback to key decision-makers on customer reactions to merchandising, servicing, impact of visual merchandising and other customer trends.

professional Experience


May, 2003 till date   Bata India Limited, Gurgaon

District Sales Manager

Wholly responsible for direction as well as continuous sales growth for the district. Provide leadership and coaching to the regional sales team of salesmen and managers in the Haryana, Chandigarh, Himachal Pradesh and Uttar Pradesh (mainly Kanpur, Jhansi, and Allahabad). Key Achievements and role:

§         Accountable for managing the stores in the allotted territories of Uttar Pradesh, Haryana, Chandigarh, and Himachal Pradesh.

§         Effectively and efficiently managed a team of 95 personnel including Shop managers, Salesmen, Decorators, Cashiers, and Temporaries etc.

§         Successfully achieved a business growth of 10% in the year 2003, and 12 % in the year 2004 and 10% in the year 2005(Season I).

§         Organised a Mega Stock Clearance Sale for the aged stock of entire Uttar Pradesh with a record performing return.

§         Local sales promotion through local media with minimum cost and maximum effectiveness.

§         Implemented training course for new recruits — speeding profitability.

§         To conduct the business efficiently and effectively and to ensure progressive development of all stores and agencies in the district.

§         Ensuring effective execution of company policies, procedures, and practices.

§         Raising the standard of service to the customers.

§         Maintaining all merchandise in excellent condition.

§         To constantly analyse market trends and general economic trends in the district and how these trends might affect our business.

2000- 2001      Tata AutoComp Systems Limited, Pune

Member, Engineering and Business Development

§         Product Development, Studying customer requirements, verifying sufficiency of data for planning & defining project, developing potential subcontractors, finalizing BOM, testing & validation plan, preparation of commercial proposals, follow PPAP at Tata Autoplastic Systems Limited, Pune. Projects undertaken for the development of Radiator Tanks for Tata Toyo Radiators and Tractor components for John Deere.

1999- 2000      Tata AutoComp Systems Limited, Pune

Graduate Trainee Engineer

§         Establishment of Quality Cost System at Tata Autoplastic Systems Limited, Pune. Establishing the Statistical Process Charts for the Injection Molding Machines at Tata Autoplastic Systems Limited, Pune.

§         Vendor Development, Procurement and Cost Reduction Programmes at Tata Johnson Controls Limited, Pune.

Prashant Malhotra


2001-2003       FORE School of Management, New Delhi

PGDBM in Marketing

2.67/4 CGPA



1995-1999       Delhi College of Engineering, Delhi

B.E. (Mechanical)


1994                N.C. Jindal Public School, Delhi


80.0% (Aggregate), 87.3%(PCM)

1992                N.C. Jindal Public School, Delhi





Extra curricular activities

§         Convener, MACH 97 & 98, All India Students Meet in Mechanical Engineering (Delhi College of Engineering)

§         Secretary cum Treasurer, ASHRAE (USA), Student Chapter, India


§         MS- Office (MS- Word, MS- Excel, PowerPoint, MS- Access)

§         Windows

personal details

§         Date of Birth:             31- 07- 1976

§         Father’s Name:          Dr. Ved Kumar Malhotra

§         Marital Status:          Married

§         Permanent Address: 242, Pocket B5, Sector 8, Rohini, Delhi 110085

§         Telephone:                 011- 27942039

This page was last updated on 07-Mar-04 22:45:10

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