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I, Prashant Malhotra, the student of FORE School of Management, request you to spare few minutes of your precious time to answer the following questions. You can be sure that your responses will remain confidential. I am doing this research to know the attitude and perceptions towards the online transactions.






E Mail:         

How much time would you estimate that you personally use the Web?


In the coming year, how much do you expect to use the Web, compared to your current level of usage?


Where do you access the Web mostly?       

For what purpose do you mainly use the Web (Please Rate on a scale of 1 to 7; 1=Rare : 7=Mostly)

bullet to access online newspapers?
bulletto search for product/service information or make purchases?
bulletto access information about commercial products/services?
bulletto access online chat groups/ communication?
bulletto access online job listings?

Have you ever done online transaction?       

If yes, do you feel making online transactions is a better way of shopping?       

Which of the following products would you prefer to purchase online?


Electronics Books

Computer/ Computer Related

Groceries Gifts/ Greeting Cards Music/ Movies
Apparels Home Appliances Cosmetics

                        Bill Payments

                        Bank Accounts

                        On line reservations

Do you make regular transactions through the net?       

What was the payment mode that you mostly opt?

            Credit Card                Cheque/ Cash  

 What are the parameters that makes you skeptical about online transactions?                               (Please rate them on a scale from 1 to 5; 1=least significant : 5=most significant)                           

bulletComputer inadaptability
bulletMisusage of information
bullet Security 
bulletOnline shopping is deceptive
bullet General perception
bulletOther, please specify

What is the amount that you will readily?       

What all sites come to your mind when you think of online shopping?

                                press control for multiple selections

    Others, please mention   



For any queries/ comments contact 


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