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You are here on Prashant 's website. Let me know how is it. There's more to come here but right now its like this only.

Our's is a small family of four. My Dad who is working as a P.G.T. (Economics). My Mom is also working as a P.G.T. (Economics). As regards me, you have already read too much. And my younger brother, Hemant who has completed his Graduation and is currently in C.A. (Final). He is also working as a tax consultant. For any of your tax queries, you can contact him at hem@prashantcafe.freeservers.com.

Well they all wanted me to work here in Delhi, but I got a job in Pune as told to you earlier. But I was quite excited and happy as it was my first job.

So, I left for my first job in Pune in July, 1999.


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